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El diagnóstico de necesidades e identificación de problemas es la vinculación de los ciudadanos en el proceso de recolección y análisis de información para identificar y explicar los problemas que les afectan directa o indirectamente con base en datos, ideas, hechos, experiencias y propuestas relacionados con la caracterización de la situación abordada, lo que permite identificar las problemáticas y las necesidades de los grupos de valor de la entidad.

¿Cómo se identifican las problemáticas?

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Preguntas a la comunidad Alumbrado EPM 2022

Participantes 216




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Alumbrados 2021

Participantes 10




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Consulta de participación Rendición de Cuentas EPM 2021

Participantes 30




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You are using an unlicensed and unsupported version of Evoq Content. Please contact your Systems Administrator for information on how to obtain a valid license.
You are using an unlicensed and unsupported version of Evoq Content. Please contact your Systems Administrator for information on how to obtain a valid license.
You are using an unlicensed and unsupported version of Evoq Content. Please contact your Systems Administrator for information on how to obtain a valid license.
You are using an unlicensed and unsupported version of Evoq Content. Please contact your Systems Administrator for information on how to obtain a valid license.
You are using an unlicensed and unsupported version of Evoq Content. Please contact your Systems Administrator for information on how to obtain a valid license.
You are using an unlicensed and unsupported version of Evoq Content. Please contact your Systems Administrator for information on how to obtain a valid license.
You are using an unlicensed and unsupported version of Evoq Content. Please contact your Systems Administrator for information on how to obtain a valid license.