As of the third quarter of 2022, EPM Group obtained revenue for COP 23.6 billion

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jueves, 27 de octubre de 2022

As of the third quarter of 2022, EPM Group obtained revenue for COP 23.6 billion

Financial results

Despite the impacts of the world economy that has raised indicators such as inflation, the producer price index, and the exchange rate, which have implied higher revenues and increases in costs and expenses of the EPM Group, it has implemented a clear policy of optimization and austerity that has allowed it to generate an EBITDA of COP 7.3 billion during the year to date, with a margin of 31%.

The EPM Group obtained COP 23.6 billion in revenue, of which EPM Parent Company contributed COP 9.8 billion, corresponding to 41%. Moreover, foreign subsidiaries contributed 28% and Colombian energy and water subsidiaries, 31%. Of this revenue, 67% corresponds to Energy Distribution and 17% to Energy Generation segments (1).

The EPM Group EBITDA totaled COP 7.3 billion, of which COP 4.2 billion were contributed by EPM, corresponding to 58% with a margin of 43%, Colombian energy and water subsidiaries, 24%, and foreign subsidiaries, 18%. The Energy Distribution segment contributed 50% to the consolidated result, Energy Generation 27%, Energy Transmission 4%, Gas 3%, Water Supply 10% and Wastewater and Solid Waste Management 6%.(1) The EBITDA margin was 31%.

Of the net income of COP 3 billion generated by the business group, EPM Parent Company contributed 56%, foreign subsidiaries, 15%, and Colombian energy and water subsidiaries 29%.(2) The Energy Distribution segment contributed 56%, Energy Generation 27%, Energy Transmission 4%, Gas 3%, Water Supply 6% and Wastewater and Solid Waste Management 4%.(1) The Group's net income margin was 13%. The EPM Parent Company net income was COP 2.9 billion, with a margin of 30%. This net income includes the results of subsidiaries through the equity method, amounting to COP 1.2 billion. In other words, subsidiaries contributed 42% of the EPM Parent Company’s results. As of September, EPM has received dividends from its subsidies for COP 266 thousand million, of which 83% were paid by the EPM Group subsidiaries, and the rest by non-controlled companies.


Financial Situation

  • As of September, EPM has transferred COP 1.6 billion to the District of Medellín
  • The net income of the EPM Group was COP 3 billion, with an EBITDA of COP 7.3 billion


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